Tuesday 7 May 2019

Best ways to lose weight in a healthy way

There has never been more pressure on men and women, boys and girls to be thin. For waist trainers to fad diets, there is always something new that is being thrown at us to convince us that we can lose weight quickly. But the problem is, any quick weight loss doesn’t last, if you manage weight loss at all. But it’s not weight that many want to drop, it’s fat. We’ve put together some tips to help you find a better way to those pounds and be healthy about it.

Changing your lifestyle

Clearly whatever lifestyle you have now isn’t working for you. Long hours, constant snacking, always ordering takeaway, not being able to exercise, sitting at a desk all day, all of these things have a big impact on your body. So the first thing to think of is what parts of your lifestyle are the unhealthy ones. Then it’s time to try and change them.

Changing your eating habits

Eating habits are one of the biggest reasons that people gain weight and they can also lead to a whole host of other health problems. Making sure you eat a good breakfast so you don’t need to snack during the morning is a good and positive change you can make. Eating your main meal at lunch time when you are more likely to be active in the afternoon instead of just before bed can help too. Making sure that your diet is balanced though is key.


If you don’t exercise at all, this is an easy one to address. Walking for twenty minutes a day, just a stroll round the block on your lunch hour can have a huge impact on your metabolism and your overall fitness. As you keep the time the same, you’ll find you are walking further.

All these things have a big impact on our lives and you can get support from groups like Slimming World or apps like My Fitness Pal to help change your lifestyle and drop that fat for good without any fad diets.

For more lifestyle information, visit out www.hubbfi.com where we have more health, weight loss, self-care and modern survival tips to help you out.

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